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Sunset over the Mountains

The Creative

Creativity to me, originate from all things good and pure. It resonates with my Catholic faith and the beautiful forms of prayer. I draw deeply from natural life forms. Landscapes of mountains, meadows, lakes, animals, trees, flowers, sunsets all hold me in awe, and I am deeply grateful to God who never stops creating.


My interests in painting and writing all spring from rustic and pastoral creations.  And it does not stop here. Looking at families sharing moments together provide a warm glow and a rich flavour of love. Gurgling babies nestled in the arms of mothers are always times to just stop and enjoy the innocence radiating around.


Such is the world of creativity – we never know truly what is round the corner.  Imagination is the fruit of inspiration, and it never stops embracing us if we can just stop the rush, the deadlines, the constant push to satisfy man-made standards.  And just be still, breathe and luxuriate in the magnificence around us.


Group discussions and sharing on different genres of literature and various methods of artwork are available and can be arranged in-person or via zoom.  Please do leave a comment or suggestion for further dialogue and exploration.


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Here are a few of my poetry compositions. These themes are close to my heart and have
been inspirations for almost all my life.


A DAY...

It’s 5.30 am in the morn
And I turn on my side,
Alarm still a-ringing,
Another day / to ride.

My wash all complete
My hands are now dry,
My vespers to say,
The day/ is a sigh…

I enter the Church
I kiss the Lord’s table,
Ten faces greet me,
Mostly the old, the feeble.

Quick toast and coffee,
Main meal of the day,
Then come in the jobless,
“Tell us, does the church pay?”

The Church’s not an agency,
But we’ll help you find,
A job and an income,
A grunt, “Oh, never mind!”

Bang! Bang! On my door!
A woman pushes in!
“My husband’s gone off!
He’s sinned! He’s sinned!”

I help her calm down
What’s all this about?
“I’m alone now, Father!
I’ve told you! You doubt?”

I look at the Cross,
Really time for a munch.
This angst, this anger,
And all/ before lunch!

Ah! Finally, a break!

And a short midday snooze.
I open my door to…
A blast-breath of /booze!

“Far..der! Hic! Help me!
No money, no wife!”
Best have some coffee,
Caffeine wakes us to life!

I finally lay down,
A sandwich to eat.
Some water to drink,
Now to withdraw, retreat.

A whole minute passes,
Then my phone starts to buzz,
The last rights to give,
I’m off in a rush!

Siesta is gone,
As I reach the church gate,
A couple awaits me,
So worried / she’s late.

Eventually a shower,
And dinner at last!
Maybe some “me-time,”
With my radio a-blast!

Some minutes pass by,
Oh! What a relief!
The knock on my door,
A family, smile, mmm…roast beef!

The day was a sigh,
I wonder why God?
Many are pressed, stretched,
Won’t they turn to you, Lord?

“I am always here,
Never really left, Rob.
But you’re doing just fine,
So well done! Great job!”

I am tired Lord
The day’s always dreary.
I flop on my bed,
No more life, just weary.
“I know how you feel,

It’s what I went through,
People truly need love,
Though they prefer to stew.”

“The days’ over now,
Time for your rest,
Dwell on Me always,
Not left-over stress.”

Confusion and fear,
Live deep in the hearts
Of those who don’t know me,
Scared again to start.

Detours and turns,
Keep them from Me.
That’s why I need you
To help them, you see.

To hear, feel and trust,
All that is good, Rob,
Just as you know,
Well done, Priest! Good job!

So, when you are tired,
Please always know this,
Your efforts are blessed,
Your hands, I kiss.

The path to freedom,
Remains surely unclear,
To those who dismiss Me,
Preferring cold, and fear.

Know too this truth,
Yes, high is the cost,
Because of you my Priest,
Nothing… is ever… lost!



Love, came by and brought with her
Comfort, protection, care.
She opened her arms and gathered me near,
Allowed me to nestle, secure, no fear,
Feeling so safe, a story untold,
Looking at life with eyes of gold,
Looking to reach and know I dare!

Joy came with Love, both hand in hand,
Tripping, skipping, laughing,
Joy whispered to me, in secret and glee,
“Let’s look for times to play, to free
Ourselves from unwanted pain,
Let’s run through the fields, the open, the lanes,
Bring others with us, and no burden bearing.

Peace walked behind, quiet, and soft,
She smiled at Joy and Love,
“We need to rest, and to lie, to talk,
From time to time, before we walk
Again through the fields, to laugh but pause,
To know that we move with purpose, with cause,
For the good that we have comes from Above.

Just round the corner, not far away
Patience came strolling by,
Smiling, calm and content,
No worry, no frown, no lament,
Linking her hands through with Peace,
Knowing that Life is a great feast
Of sheer delight, no tear, no cry.

Along the road, not far away
Kindness sat in pensive thought,
With Goodness by her side,
Speaking softly and with guide
They both were in discussion deep,
To raise the hearts of those that weep,
Then came the rest with laughter brought.

And walking now in robes of white,
Faithfulness came her face aglow,
To join this group of virtues best,
To help all hearts so sad, suppressed,
And lift them on, so they can fly
To reach great heights to place so high,
That none would ever want for more.
Now Self-Control is hardest yet,

As our guard must always be down,
To let the God of mercy and trust,
To pour His presence through all of us,
He lifts us up, and never stops
To lift us still with grace and hope,
And dons us with the pure of gown.

Then on we journey, that we do.
Carrying our needs no charm, no fuss,
For what indeed, do we hold close
Hardship, heartbreak, tears the most,
We must indeed leave these behind,
Unwanted bags, just wasting time,
For there to greet us, sweet Gentleness.

And now all nine, in glory walk
The path, the road, the world to teach,
To touch, to laugh, to hug, to kiss,
To steer, to lead to live in bliss,
The Heaven on earth, as promised by God,
Who walks the ground in Christ, our Lord,
To hold each one, our hearts to reach.



A leaf flickers gently, detaching from a twig,
It looks so small, in a world so big.
As it floats down, nearly touching the ground,
It’s pushed up again as the breeze whispers sound.

It tosses and turns upwards and down,
Moving through places of smiles and frown.
It glides through the air, land, and sea,
Not knowing where next, it will be.

The branch once home, is far behind,
The leaf just moves, adventures to find.
Of this and of that, of here and there,
Floating, flying, just…anywhere!

Discovering towns, people, everything,
Small, large, loud, soft, just wandering.
Glimpses of colour, glimpses of wonder,
Blowing through hills, snow, and thunder.

Moving on meadows, floating on streams,
Waving past people with life full of dreams.
Darting through time when horses were travel,
On cobblestone streets, and roads unlevelled.

Then soaring so high to meet stars and planets,
Encountering galaxies, suns and comets.
Oh dear leaf! How wonderful for you,
To experience it all, the old and the new.

To fly through the ages, the seasons, the lands,
To touch the poor, the wise, the grand.
Then softly it said: “Now you have the stage,
To see all I see, just turn the page.

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A music hopeful... who's still hoping.

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